1) What is Extremism? a) Holding of extreme political or religious views; fanaticism b) Behaving inappropriately c) Going to great or exaggerated lengths 2) What is Radicalisation? a) Behaving radically. b) Someone who doesn't support Terrorist groups. c) Radicalisation is ‘the process by which a person comes to support t 3) Who are da'ish? a) ISIS b) ISOL c) ISIL d) Islamic State 4) What is the Current National Threat Level? a) LOW - an attack is unlikely b) MODERATE - an attack is possible, but not likely c) SUBSTANTIAL - an attack is a strong possibility d) SEVERE - an attack is highly likely e) CRITICAL - an attack is expected imminently 5) Who can be radicalised? a) British Muslims b) Armed Forces c) Students d) Police officers e) Anyone 6) You can spot someone with extreme beliefs purely by looking at them. a) Yes b) No c) Maybe 7) Extremism always leads to violence? a) True b) False


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