1) I usually _________ the bus to work because it's easy and it's cheap. a) get b) go c) see d) have 2) We like _________ to a museum at the weekend. You can learn new things and it's better than watching television. a) getting b) going c) seeing d) having 3) Did you ________ the photographic exhibition in the Sainsbury Centre? It was brilliant. a) get b) go c) see d) have 4) I'm really hungry. Can we stop and ________ a snack from this café? a) get b) go c) see d) have 5) We're going to ___________ a drink in the bar later. Do you want to meet us there? a) get b) go c) see d) have 6) I really want to _________ dancing. I haven't been for ages! a) get b) go c) see d) have 7) Where do you want to ___________ dinner? There's a nice restaurant around the corner. a) get b) go c) see d) have


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