1) walk the dog a) push b) pull c) both 2) mow the lawn a) push b) pull c) both 3) yo-yo a) push b) pull c) both 4) pedal a bike a) push b) pull c) both 5) throw a ball a) push b) pull c) both 6) saw wood a) push b) pull c) both 7) tug of war a) push b) pull c) both 8) get some tape a) push b) pull c) both 9) ring a door bell a) push b) pull c) both 10) hammer a) push b) pull c) both 11) hit a ball a) push b) pull c) both 12) cut with scissors a) push b) pull c) both 13) erase a) push b) pull c) both 14) rake leaves a) push b) pull c) both 15) zip/unzip a zipper a) push b) pull c) both 16) get a tissue a) push b) pull c) both 17) write a) push b) pull c) both 18) staple a) push b) pull c) both 19) blow a) push b) pull c) both

G2 Push, Pull, or Both?


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