Greywacke - A sandstone with >15% clay matrix, sub angular clasts with some rock fragments., Arkose - Medium to coarse grained sandstone, contains >25% feldspar, Orthoquartzite - >90% quartz held together by quartz cement., Shale - Composed of clay minerals, mica and quartz, dark coloured, fine grained with distinctive layers, Shelly Limestone - Biologically formed limestone consisting of fossils or fragments of fossils., Oolitic Limestone - Chemically formed limestone containing spherical grains with concentric layers of calcium carbonate, Chalk - Biologically formed limestone composed coccoliths., Conglomerate - Coarse grained sedimentary rock, clasts are rounded and may be surrounded by a matrix., Breccia - Coarse grained rock (>2mm diameter), clasts are angular and set in a finer grained matrix.,


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