1) Javascript is an _______ language? a) Object-based b) Object-oriented c) Procedural d) Functional 2) Which of the following keywords is used to define a variable in JavaScript? a) class b) function c) var d) int 3) Which of the following methods can be used to display data in some form using JavaScript? a) document.write() b) console.log() c) window.alert() d) All of the above 4) Inside whice HTML element do we put the JavaScript? a) js tag b) javascript tag c) script tag d) scripting tag 5) How do you call a function named "myFunction"? a) myFunction() b) call function myFunction() c) call myFunction() 6) Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript? a) the <head> section b) both <head> and <body> section c) the <body> section 7) What will be the output of the following code snippet? a) 59 b) 14 c) compilation error d) 5 + "9" 8) What will be the output for the following code snippet? a) 9 b) 81 c) 0 d) error 9) What is the purpose of the return statement in a function? a) To stop the execution of the function b) To return a value from the function c) To define the input parameters of the function d) To declare a new variable within the function 10) The external JavaScript file must contain the <script> tag. a) True b) False

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