Claim: The less sleep you get, the worse your grades will be., Cats are better pets for small houses than dogs., Cars are bad for the environment., Vaccines help stop people from getting sick., Reading at a young age makes you more successful later in life., Social media makes people feel lonely., Sugary drinks can make you unhealthy., Single-use plastics are destroying the oceans., Evidence: Studies show that students who get more sleep are more focused at school., A study found that cats need less space than dogs., Research shows that CO2 levels went up after the invention of cars. , The W.H.O. reports that vaccines stop more than 2.5 million deaths each year., A study found that kids who were read to before starting school did better at reading tests., People who spend more than 3 hours a day on social media reported being more lonely., A review of diets found that people who have a lot of sugary drinks were at risk for diabetes., Studies found that over 8 million tons of plastic waste get into the oceans each year.,


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