1) What is Respiration? a) The process in which a glucose molecule is broken down through glycolysis, with or without oxygen to create ATP. b) the process by which plants use sunlight to make food from carbon dioxide water and sunlight. c) Inhaled oxygen moves from the alveoli to the blood in the capillaries, and carbon dioxide moves from the blood in the capillaries to the air in the alveoli. d) apparatus used to measure the number of calories in food. e) A nucleotide of adenosine composed of ribosomes and adenine. f) Water traveling through a semi-permeable membrane. 2) Why are we doing this lab? a) because b) you said so c) To demonstrate the factors that influence cellular respiration. d) I still don't know e) the state of texas said so f) ... 3) The best Pre-AP GT Biology Class a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd d) 6th e) 7th f) 8th 4) We asked 100 people. What moves the slowest? Top six answers on the board. a) Elderly People b) Snails c) Sloths d) Turtles e) Glaciers f) Drunk People 5) We asked 100 kids. What are things parents always say to kids? Top six answers on the board. a) Do your homework b) Go to bed c) Stop fighting d) You live under my roof you follow my rules. e) Clean your room f) Don't make come up there


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