1) Complete the quote: "A smile that revealed ..." a) a movie-star smile b) dazzling movie-star teeth c) who he really was d) his love for the children 2) Complete the quote: "You are all ..." a) stars b) talented c) the best d) heroes 3) Complete the quote: "Why did he ..." a) dance like Fred Astaire? b) love the sweet young things? c) turn his back on show business? d) want to lead the children in the Wreck Centre? 4) Complete the quotation: "there were dark hints that..." a) he had 'gotten into trouble' b) he had starred in a Hollywood movie c) had lured the children away like the Pied Piper d) wanted to return to show business 5) Complete the quote: "He was our ..." a) hero, and we were happy to be in his presence b) champion, and we were happy to be in his presence c) teacher, and we were happy to be in his presence  d) leader, and we were happy to be in his presence 6) Complete the quote: "the air of ______ ... added to his glamour" a) wonder b) excitement c) deception d) mystery 7) Complete the quote: "He passed through the flash of moonlight, ..." a) a ghostly silhouette b) a shadow of his former self c) a mean figure d) a cowardly shadow 8) Complete the quote: "Headlines: Lt La Salle Earns ..." a) medal for bravery b) Silver Star c) key to the city d) admiration from people of Frenchtown 9) Complete the quote: "His pale, eyes ..." a) sunk into the sockets b) stared back at me c) looked fragile d) were filled with love 10) Complete the quote: "Everybody sins, Francis. The terrible thing is we ..." a) can't stop sinning b) hate to sin c) love our sins d) love to sin 11) Complete the quote: "My legs are gone ... No more dancing for me, Francis. No more ..." a) life left for me b) sweet young things c) reasons to live d) sweet things to love 12) Complete the quote: "The sound of a ..." a) pistol shot cracks the air b) tennis ball smashes into the air c) gun cracks the air d) gunshot echoes in the air

Heroes - Larry LaSalle


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