Chicken dance, Raise the roof 20, Jog in place 30 seconds, Butt kicks, Macarena dance, Free dance- 60 seconds, 25 arm curls, 20 jumping jacks, 10 squats, 15 side lunges, 10 neck circles, 20 arm circles, wrist turns 20, 30 toe touch in and out , 15 toe touches, 30 air punches, 25 high knee to elbow, 15 sec hold arms to side, 15 push press, 30 sec drumming session, 25 chair crunches, 5 deep breath, 3 sips of water, 20 starting the lawnmower, 15 karate kicks, 50 trunk twists, Balance on one leg 10 seconds, Free choice.


Spin the wheel is an open-ended template. It does not generate scores for a leaderboard.

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