1) Cranial nerves and spinal nerves are part of the: a) peripheral nervous system. b) central nervous system. c) cranial nerves. d) autonomic nervous system. 2) Cindy has a below-the-knee amputation. She reaches to scratch her removed foot. Cindy is experiencing: a) dermal pain. b) psoriasis. c) phantom pain. d) urticaria. 3) Which lobe of the brain coordinates voluntary muscle movement? a) occipital b) frontal c) parietal d) temporal 4) Pennie fell while rock climbing and struck the ground. She is experiencing respiratory distress and is unable to move. Pennie's doctor will most likely diagnose her with which condition? a) poliomyelitis b) multiple sclerosis c) spinal cord injury d) myasthenia gravis 5) The membrane covering of the brain is known as the: a) meninges. b) choroid plexus. c) ventricles. d) cerebral aqueduct. 6) A diver sustained a spinal cord injury just below the tenth thoracic vertebra and is now unable to use his legs. This condition is known as: a) paresthesia. b) paraplegia. c) quadraplegia. d) hemiplegia. 7) Mr. Gray is 78-years-old and has begun having tremors and gait shuffling. His family is worried that he may be developing: a) cerebral palsy. b) multiple sclerosis. c) Parkinson's disease. d) Alzheimer's disease. 8) A patient sustains a fall while getting out of the shower. Tests reveal damage to the inner most meningeal layer. What structure was damaged? a) dura mater b) ventricles c) pia mater d) arachnoid 9) The part of the brain located below the cerebrum is the: a) cerebellum. b) diencephalon. c) thalamus. d) hypothalamus. 10) Melissa fell off a horse and was parallyzed as a result of significant injury to her spinal cord. Which component of Melissa's nervous system is damaged? a) sympathetic b) peripheral c) central d) autonomic 11) A nerve cell is known as a/an: a) neuroma. b) neuron. c) neurocyte. d) neuroblast. 12) Jonsi is recovering from a fight with Anna. Jonsi's breathing is slowing down, her pulse is slowing, and she is fatigued. What part of the nervous system is responsible for these changes? a) spinal nerves b) sympathetic c) parasympathetic d) cranial nerves 13) Trey has symptoms of severe headache, nausea, and vomiting. At the doctor's office, Trey had a lumbar puncture. His doctor is concerned Trey may have which disorder? a) epilepsy b) meningitis c) cerebral palsy d) hydroencephalitis 14) Thomas was involved in an ATV accident and sustained a severe injury to the brain and spinal cord. The medical staff at the trauma center understands this injury may cause which substance to leak into surrounding tissues? a) bile b) cerebrospinal fluid c) synovial fluid d) chyme 15) Tammy experienced tachycardia and dry mouth while getting off a fast roller-coaster ride. Which nervous system structures were most likely activated? a) peripheral nervous system b) central nervous system c) cerbral ventricles d) autonomic nervous system 16) Caitlin has trouble with appetite control, temperature regulation, and maintaining a healthy weight. Which area of the brain is affected? a) cerebellum b) brain stem c) cerebrum d) hyothalamus 17) Todd experienced hallucinations, seizures, and temporary loss of consciousness. An EEG test showed uncontrolled electrical activity of neurons in Todd's brain. Which disorder was Todd most likely diagnosed with? a) hydrocephalus b) epilepsy c) neuritis d) meningitis 18) The brain and spinal cord are part of the: a) peripheral nervous system. b) cranial nerve. c) central nervous system. d) autonomic nervous system. 19) Planning, recalling information, and decision-making are all functions of the: a) hypothalamus. b) brain stem. c) cerebrum. d) cerebellum.


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