Magnetic Fields: , The area around a magnet where magnetic forces operate., North and South, Stronger magnetic forces where field lines are closer, Like (same) poles repel - N-N or S-S, Opposite poles attract, Magnetic Force WEAKER with GREATER distance., Example: Iron nails are attracted to a magnet., Example: Maglev Trains, Exerts a magnetic force with no contact, This is exerted by magnets on anything that is made of iron, nickel or cobalt., Attracts iron by aligning 'domains.', Force is greatest around the poles., Electric Fields: , Area around an electric charge where electric forces operate., Positive and negative, Stronger electric forces where field lines are closer, Like (same) charges repel + + or - -, Opposite charges attract (+ -) or (- +), Electric Force WEAKER with GREATER distance., Example: A balloon 'sticks' to a wall, Example: lightning, Exerts an electrical force with no contact, This field is exerted on any object with an electric charge., Attracts negative electrons, Gravitational Fields: , area around an object where gravitational forces operate., Stronger forces where field lines are closer, Gravitational Force WEAKER with GREATER distance., Example: Smartphone hits the ground., Exerts a gravitational force with no contact., This field is exerted by any object with a MASS., Attracts mass, Example: The Moon orbits around the Earth,


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