Protein - This nutrient is used for growth and repair, it is found in meats and beans, Carbohydrate - This nutrient is used for energy, it is found in rice and bread, Fats - This nutrient is used for energy, it is found in oils and nuts, Vitamins - This nutrient is found in many fruits and vegetables and is needed to stay healthy, Minerals - This nutrient is found in meats, vegetables, dairy products and fruits, it is needed to stay healthy, an example is iron or calcium, Saliva - This is produced in the mouth and contains an enzyme that digests starch, Protease - An enzyme that digests proteins, Lipase - An enzyme that digests fats, Amylase - The enzyme that digests starch, Stomach - Organ that contains acid and other digestive juices, Small intestine - Protein and fats are digested here and most small molecules are absorbed here, Large intestine - Water is absorbed here, Liver - Organ that produces bile, Pancreas - Organ that produces digestive enzymes, Aminoacids - The small molecules produced when proteins are digested, fattyacids - The acid product when fats are digested, glycerol - The sugar product when fats are digested, glucose - The sugar that is produced when starch is digested, Carbon monoxide - A gas that is breathed in when you smoke, this binds to red blood cells and stops them carrying oxygen, Tar - A compound you breathe in when you smoke, this causes cancers like lung and throat cancer, Nicotine - A substance you breathe in when you smoke, this causes addiction, Ethanol - The scientific name for alcohol, this can damage the liver, Digestion - The process of breaking down large food molecules into smaller ones that can be absorbed, Enzyme - A type of protein that your body uses to digest food molecules, Balanceddiet - Eating the right amount of each type of nutrient is called having a ........,


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