1) My grandmother _________________ vegetables in her garden a) grows b) is growing 2) John always ______________ in an office. a) works b) is working 3) John ______________ in a factory this month. a) works b) is working 4) Ben _________ rowing practice three times a week. a) has b) is having 5) Ben _________ rowing practice this Saturday. a) has b) is having 6) What _______ you _________ these days? a) do you do b) are you doing 7) What _______ you usually _________ every morning? a) do you do b) are you doing 8) I ________________ at the moment. a) learn b) am learning 9) I rarely __________ in the morning. a) learn b) am learning 10) My grandparents usually __________ us on my bithday. a) are visiting b) visit 11) I never ___________ my homework. a) forget b) am forgetting 12) She usually ___________ tea with milk. a) drinks b) is drinking 13) They ____________ New York this summer. a) visit b) are visiting 14) They usually __________ New York every summer. a) visit b) are visiting


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