1) Which kingdom had all wicked kings? a) Israel b) Judah 2) How many horns did the beast have? a) 10 b) 12 c) 8 d) 7 3) Which Kings are mentioned in the book of Ezra? a) Artaxerxes & Xerxes b) Cyrus & Darius c) Artaxerxes & Cyrus 4) Judah was the southern kingdom a) TRUE b) FALSE 5) During which King’s reign was Nehemiah a cupbearer? a) Xerxes b) Artaxerxes c) Cyrus d) Darius 6) Which king conquered the city of Jerusalem and destroyed the temple? a) Xerxes b) Artaxerxes c) Cyrus d) Nebuchadnezzar 7) During the reign of _____________ Roman Emperor, many Christians were persecuted. a) Nero b) Claudius c) Caesar d) Tiberius 8) Head of Gold symbolizes the kingdom of __________. a) Babylon b) Medo-Persian c) Greek d) Rome 9) Arms of Silver symbolizes the ______________ kingdom. a) Babylon b) Medo-Persian c) Greek d) Rome 10) Thighs of brass symbolizes the __________________ Empire. a) Babylon b) Medo-Persian c) Greek d) Rome 11) The legs of _________ symbolize the Eastern and Western Roman Empire. a) Iron b) Clay c) Coal d) Silver 12) The feet was of _______. a) Iron b) Clay c) Both d) None 13) ______________________was the Roman emperor at the time of Jesus’s birth. a) Caesar  b) Tiberius c) Claudius d) Nero 14) Both Paul and Peter were executed by _______________. a) Caesar  b) Tiberius c) Claudius d) Nero

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