1) ... reflects the stylistic reference and the emotive and/or evaluative charge proper to the word a) Emotive charge b) Stylistic reference c) The connotational meaning d) Pragmatic meaning 2) What is the linguistic phenomenon when a word has more than one meaning, resulting in sematic structure consisting of a number of lexico-semantic variants? a) Homonyms b) Polysemy c) Hyponymy d) Contraries 3) ... are words marked by their use within a particular social group and bearing a secretvand cryptic character. a) Jargonisms b) Vulgarisms c) Obselete words d) Archaic words 4) ... are words used mostly in historical novels to bring back the atmosphere of old times, or in professional terminology. a) Neologisms b) Obsele words c) Archaisms d) Historisms 5) ... is the most frequently used neutral word within a synonymic group. a) Synonymic dominant b) Hyponyms c) Antonyms d) Contradictories 6) ... are newly coined words, developed from occasionalisms, and hoc words and nonce- words. a) Archaic worda b) Obselete words c) Neologisms d) Historisms 7) Find the words belong to thecontradictories. a) "Dead and alive", "single and married" b) "Man and male", "woman and female" c) Cookie,elevator,apartment d) Lab - labaratory,hypo - hypodermic syringe 8) ... an offensive word or phrase substituted for one considered offensivebor hurtful. a) Professionalisms b) Slang words c) Vulgarisms d) Euphemisms 9) ... is usually to be found in word-forms of different parts of speech. a) Full homonymy b) Partial homonymy c) Homographs d) Homophones 10) Find the words belong to the full homonymy. a) Seal (n), seal (n). b) Seal (n), seal (v). c) Sea (n), see (v). d) Son (n), sun (n).

Semantic classification of words

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