La botella reutilizable - The reusable bottle, La botella desechable - The disposable bottle, Los residuos - The waste, La sostenibilidad   - The sustainability, La inversión a largo plazo - The long term investment, Los estudios recientes - The recent studies, La tendencia - The trend, Los recursos naturales - The natural resources, La crisis medioambiental - The environmental crisis, La contaminación - The pollution, Reutilizar - To reuse, Desechar - To dispose, Invertir - To invest, Contaminar - To pollute, Conservar - To conserve, Afectar - To affect, Optar   - To choose, Contribuir - To contribute, Beneficiar - To benefit, Convenir - To be convenient, Impactar - To impact, Presionar - To pressurize, Apoyar - To support, Equilibrar  - To balance, Lograr - To achieve, Esforzarse - To make an effort, Gestionar - To manage, Reciclar - To recycle, Reducir - To reduce,


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