1) 'Keep me _____, ok? I want to hear all the news.' a) secret b) calm c) busy d) arm's length e) shirt on f) informed 2) Even though he is retired, organising his local neighbours' committee keeps him really _____. a) secret b) calm c) busy d) arm's length e) shirt on f) informed 3) 'Hey, keep your _________! It isn't that serious.' a) secret b) calm c) busy d) arm's length e) shirt on f) informed 4) He doesn't have many friends. Perhaps that's because he likes to keep people at ______. a) secret b) calm c) busy d) arm's length e) shirt on f) informed 5) I find it really difficult to keep _____ when people say things based on prejudice. a) secret b) calm c) busy d) arm's length e) shirt on f) informed 6) I never tell her anything because she can't keep a _____. a) secret b) calm c) busy d) arm's length e) shirt on f) informed 7) If you don't want people to notice you, it's best to keep a _____. a) low profile b) calm c) waiting d) arm's length e) shut f) awake 8) 'Keep your mouth _____! You'll get into trouble if you say anything.' a) low profile b) calm c) waiting d) arm's length e) shut f) awake 9) She kept me _____ for about 25 minutes. I was about to leave when she turned up. a) low profile b) calm c) waiting d) arm's length e) shut f) awake 10) The neighbours' party kept me _____ all night. a) low profile b) calm c) waiting d) arm's length e) shut f) awake 11) Carol is not good at keeping _____, so be careful what you tell her. a) awake b) busy c) calm d) informed e) waiting f) secrets 12) Gina complained that my party kept her _____ all night. a) awake b) busy c) calm d) informed e) waiting f) secrets 13) The police say they will keep us _____ about their investigation. a) awake b) busy c) calm d) informed e) waiting f) secrets 14) Matt's studies and sports activities keep him _____ most of the week. a) awake b) busy c) calm d) informed e) waiting f) secrets 15) Let's meet at 6 p.m. Please don't keep me _____ like you did yesterday. a) awake b) busy c) calm d) informed e) waiting f) secrets 16) It's great if you can keep _____ in a crisis, and not panic. a) awake b) busy c) calm d) informed e) waiting f) secrets 17) John has wisely been keeping a _____ since his fight with Tim. a) arm's length b) busy c) low profile d) shut e) waiting f) shirt on 18) It's hard to get really close to Ann. She keeps people at ________. a) arm's length b) busy c) low profile d) shut e) waiting f) shirt on 19) Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth _____ than offend people. a) arm's length b) busy c) low profile d) shut e) waiting f) shirt on 20) Keep your _______! There's no need to get so upset. a) arm's length b) busy c) low profile d) shut e) waiting f) shirt on 21) I offered to keep an eye on the baby while kim went to the bank. a) provides companionship b) be aware of, be informed about c) avoid laughing d) watch, look after e) does what she promised f) attend something I arranged previously 22) Mrs Hill lives on her own, but her pet dog keeps her company. a) provides companionship b) be aware of, be informed about c) avoid laughing d) watch, look after e) does what she promised f) attend something I arranged previously 23) If Fay said she'd come, she will. She always keeps her word. a) provides companionship b) be aware of, be informed about c) avoid laughing d) watch, look after e) does what she promised f) attend something I arranged previously 24) Mrs Jones looked so ridiculous in her new hat that I found it hard to keep a straight face. a) provides companionship b) be aware of, be informed about c) avoid laughing d) watch, look after e) does what she promised f) attend something I arranged previously 25) It's a good idea to keep track of how much money you're spending. a) provides companionship b) be aware of, be informed about c) avoid laughing d) watch, look after e) does what she promised f) attend something I arranged previously 26) I'm not feeling well today, so I don't think I can keep my appointment at the hairdresser's. a) provides companionship b) be aware of, be informed about c) avoid laughing d) watch, look after e) does what she promised f) attend something I arranged previously

Jetstream Upper - Unit 1.2 - Vocabulary KEEP ex2

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