1) Typically, this refers to a small social group which members share close personal and enduring relationships: a) Primary Group b) Secondary Group c) Out- Group d) In- Group 2) We observed various groups of people with a certain degree of relationship. This can be small or large, mostly impersonal and usually short-term. a) Out- Group b) Primary Group c) Secondary Group d) In- Group 3) People are grouped according to certain manner. Which group is identified with each other based on common interests? a) Social Group b) In- Group c) Reference Group d) Primary Group 4) Because of certain characteristics of people, what groups in which individuals do not identify herself/himself? a) Reference Group b) Social Group c) In- Group d) Out- Group 5) Many social groups have shared various similarities in some particular way, which of the following is the true purpose of having a reference group? a) To win friends b) To serve as a guide to our behavior c) To identify  cultural and behavioral norms d) To evaluate the behavior and culture of the people.


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