Freezing - A. Very cold, Could do with - R. Would benefit from or need something, Tiny - B. Very small , Quite rough round here - C. The area is not very safe or pleasant , Surrounded by something - F. Completely enclosed by something, Moved out (of the house) - to stop living in a particular home, Move away (from Poland) - go to live in another area, Landlord - H. The owner of a property that you rent, Put up the rent - G. Increased the amount of rent to pay, Good condition - P. In good shape or working order, Lively - Packed/ or energetic and full of activity, Safer neighborhood - J. A more secure area to live in, Storage space - K. Extra space to keep items, Knocked down - N. Destroyed a building on purpose, Repair - L. To fix something, Basement - M. The lowest floor of a building, often underground, Keep clean and tidy - Q. To maintain cleanliness and order, Share the cost - O. To divide expenses between people,

roadmap b1+ unit1b

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