1) Do you know someone who always adds fuel to the fire? 2) Have you ever had to go back to square one? What happened? 3) What’s an example of a double-edged sword in your life? 4) What do you do when someone beats around the bush? 5) Have you ever had to call the shots? What was the situation? 6) When was the last time you had to put your foot down? 7) Have you ever missed the boat? What happened? 8) Have you ever hit rock bottom? How did you recover? 9) Have you ever had to let bygones be bygones? What was the situation? 10) Do you prefer to stick to your guns or be flexible? 11) What’s an example of water under the bridge in your life? 12) Have you ever had to eat humble pie? 13) Who do you think is the cream of the crop in your profession? 14) What’s a situation where you had to hit the ground running? 15) Have you ever helped someone spread their wings? How? 16) Have you ever had to take the bull by the horns? What did you do? 17) What’s a situation where you had to cross that bridge when you came to it?

WeHelpU - Speaking Club - Idiomatic Expressions - Advanced Level (C1-C2)

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