
English / ESL Places High school in the city town

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City Places
City Places Anagramm
Places in the city
Places in the city Flash-Karten
Places in the City
Places in the City Wörtersuche
 Places in town
Places in town It's a Match
Places in a City
Places in a City It's a Match
Places in the city
Places in the city Die passende Antwort
Idioms to do with countries/places
Idioms to do with countries/places It's a Match
Prepositions of Place
Prepositions of Place Quiz
Places in town
Places in town Beschriftetes Diagramm
Places in town
Places in town Die passende Antwort
Sentences (+ - ?) - Present Perfect Tense
Sentences (+ - ?) - Present Perfect Tense Öffnen Sie die Box
Reported Speech (+) (-) (?)
Reported Speech (+) (-) (?) Quiz
Present Simple Tense
Present Simple Tense Jagd durchs Labyrinth
Places in the city
Places in the city Zufällige Karten
Regular Verbs in Past Simple
Regular Verbs in Past Simple Die richtige Gruppe
Daily Routine (Present Simple)
Daily Routine (Present Simple) Vervollständige den Satz
Parts of the Human Body
Parts of the Human Body Beschriftetes Diagramm
Places in the Neighborhood - 2°
Places in the Neighborhood - 2° Quiz
Adjectives (Appearance & Personality)
Adjectives (Appearance & Personality) Die passende Antwort
Numbers (years)
Numbers (years) Die passende Antwort
Numbers (years)
Numbers (years) Quiz
Past Simple vs. Past Continuous
Past Simple vs. Past Continuous Jagd durchs Labyrinth
Past Simple > Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative Sentences
Past Simple > Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative Sentences Anagramm
Parts of the human body
Parts of the human body Die passende Antwort
Places in a city - descriptions
Places in a city - descriptions Quiz gewinnen oder verlieren
Parts of the Face
Parts of the Face Beschriftetes Diagramm
Prepositions of Time
Prepositions of Time Die richtige Gruppe
Past Participles - Irr. and Reg. Verbs
Past Participles - Irr. and Reg. Verbs Wörtersuche
Awarded Movies
Awarded Movies Die passende Antwort
Adjectives (appearance & character)
Adjectives (appearance & character) Anagramm
Places in the city
Places in the city Öffnen Sie die Box
Places in the City
Places in the City Beschriftetes Diagramm
PLACES IN THE CITY Die passende Antwort
Professions/Occupations 2
Professions/Occupations 2 Flip-Fliesen
Animal Farm (Ch. 3-4)
Animal Farm (Ch. 3-4) Öffnen Sie die Box
City Places
City Places Glücksrad
Beowulf (Old English Literature)
Beowulf (Old English Literature) Öffnen Sie die Box
Censorship - Vocabulary
Censorship - Vocabulary Die passende Antwort
Occupations and Jobs - Can / Cannot
Occupations and Jobs - Can / Cannot Die richtige Reihenfolge
What's the time?
What's the time? Flash-Karten
Soll die automatisch gespeicherte Aktivität wiederhergestellt werden?