
1 клас English / ESL

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Fly high 2 unit 18
Fly high 2 unit 18 Quiz
yes or no
yes or no Quiz
Fly high 1 numbers
Fly high 1 numbers Quiz
School suplies
School suplies Beschriftetes Diagramm
ff2 unti 1(2)
ff2 unti 1(2) It's a Match
Read "What"
Read "What" It's a Match
numbers by Ilya
numbers by Ilya Luftballons
ff2 unit 2(2)
ff2 unit 2(2) It's a Match
Toys Die passende Antwort
Actions can/can't (animals)
Actions can/can't (animals) Quiz
ff1 unit 7
ff1 unit 7 It's a Match
Do you like...?
Do you like...? Glücksrad
Family Anagramm
Smart Junior 1 Toys
Smart Junior 1 Toys Quiz
ABC (matching with animals)
ABC (matching with animals) It's a Match
Team together 1 unit 7 Weather (3)
Team together 1 unit 7 Weather (3) Anagramm
English Alphabet
English Alphabet Zufällige Karten
Animals Die richtige Gruppe
alphabet A-K
alphabet A-K Die passende Antwort
Numbers 1-10
Numbers 1-10 Zufällige Karten
ABC Vervollständige den Satz
Phonics A/Short A/ Long A/A+R
Phonics A/Short A/ Long A/A+R Die richtige Gruppe
toys super minds 1
toys super minds 1 Quiz
Fly high 1 unit 5
Fly high 1 unit 5 Quiz
Toys Quiz
Alphabet U-Z
Alphabet U-Z Die passende Antwort
1st form Reading cards #2
1st form Reading cards #2 Zufällige Karten
Alphabet Aa-Oo (words)
Alphabet Aa-Oo (words) Quiz
Pets It's a Match
numbers 1-10
numbers 1-10 Zufällige Karten
Fly high 1
Fly high 1 Glücksrad
I see... (animals)
I see... (animals) Glücksrad
I can/I can't (1 grade)
I can/I can't (1 grade) Quiz
Team together 1 unit 7 Weather (2)
Team together 1 unit 7 Weather (2) Die passende Antwort
Face Die passende Antwort
alphabet A-R
alphabet A-R Die passende Antwort
Animal abilities
Animal abilities It's a Match
Everyday activiies . How often do you do these things? Everyday activiies
Everyday activiies . How often do you do these things? Everyday activiies Zufällige Karten
Unit 1.1 Members of the Family
Unit 1.1 Members of the Family It's a Match
Go getter unit 0.3
Go getter unit 0.3 It's a Match
Go Getter 1 unit 4.1
Go Getter 1 unit 4.1 It's a Match
Name 5
Name 5 Öffnen Sie die Box
We, they, he, she or it?
We, they, he, she or it? Quiz
Can you guess a job?
Can you guess a job? Die passende Antwort
Wider world 1 unit 3 wordlist
Wider world 1 unit 3 wordlist It's a Match
Unit 1 At school. Label the objects
Unit 1 At school. Label the objects Beschriftetes Diagramm
Shapes Die passende Antwort
What's this? What are these? am/is/are
What's this? What are these? am/is/are Spielshow-Quiz
I like/ don't like/ love/hate
I like/ don't like/ love/hate Die richtige Gruppe
 Our / their / my / your
Our / their / my / your Quiz
Let's ...!
Let's ...! It's a Match
Toys - What is it?
Toys - What is it? Quiz
I -my, you - your ....
I -my, you - your .... Die passende Antwort
Food 1
Food 1 Anagramm
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Quiz
 have got has got (fly high 2 )
have got has got (fly high 2 ) Quiz
 IN - ON - AT
IN - ON - AT Die richtige Gruppe
Prepare 1 Unit 7
Prepare 1 Unit 7 Quiz
F&F1 Unit 12 Do you like......?
F&F1 Unit 12 Do you like......? Quiz
Soll die automatisch gespeicherte Aktivität wiederhergestellt werden?