: Which do you like better: being able to speak to animals or being able to speak all foreign languages, but only while singing?, Which do you like better: having a pet dragon that eats a lot all the time or having a teleporting toaster that always burns your toast?, Which do you like better: having a personal assistant who is a robot but always speaks in rhymes or having a magical hat that can produce any snack you desire but it attracts hungry seagulls??, Which do you like better: having the power to control the weather but accidentally make rain whenever you're sad or having the power to make anyone laugh but only if you tell awful jokes?, Which do you like better: living in a world made entirely of chocolate but with marshmallow rain showers or living in a world where everyone communicates by dancing?, Which do you like better: having the ability to talk to plants but they constantly gossip about you or having the ability to talk to objects but they always give sarcastic replies?, Which do you like better: having a magical wardrobe that leads to different fantasy worlds but you always end up at a dirty lake or having a pet unicorn that only eats glitter?, Which do you like better: having the power to transform into any animal but you randomly meow or bark in human form or having the power to make any food taste like your favorite food but it also smells awfully?, Which do you like better: having a flying carpet that can take you anywhere but only if you sing or having a talking mirror that compliments you but only if you wear a clown nose?, Which do you like better: having a personal cloud that follows you around and rains candy but only on Mondays or having a magic wand that can grant wishes but only if you dance the Macarena first?, Which do you like better: having a closet that always picks out the perfect outfit for you but it's always five sizes too small or having a magic coffee maker that makes you any type of coffee but only in the evening?, Which do you like better: having a superpower that lets you make anyone laugh uncontrollably but you also laugh uncontrollably or having a bottomless backpack that can carry anything but it randomly spills its contents whenever you're in a hurry?, Which do you like better: having a talking hat that gives you advice but it's always wrong or having a magical pen that brings your drawings to life but they're always evil like grinch?, Which do you like better: having a teleporting toilet that can take you anywhere in the world but it only flushes when you tell it a joke or having a personal cloud that follows you around and rains chocolate but it attracts hungry seagulls?, make your own sentences if you have time to have double practice!),




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