1. Hola Maria, Espero que t’ho hagis passat super be a la festa de la cirrera! Vas comprar alguna cosa? Vas sortir amb els amics? Va haver-hi algún concert? Dona’m detalls i envia’m fotos!!! - Hi Maria, I hope you had a great time at the Cherry Party. Did you buy anything? Did you go out with friends? Was there any concert? Give me details and send me fotos.  , Hei, Soc al supermercat. Necessites alguna cosa? Què vols? Tenim només 10 euros. Les pizzes són massa cares! Anem a comprar pasta i uns llauna de tomàquet! I unes bosses de chips. Quina marca prefereixes? Avisa’m! - Hey, I'm at the supermarket. Do you need anything? What do you want? We have only 10 euros. The pizzas are too expensive. Let's buy some pasta and some tomato cans. And some bags of chips. Which brand do you prefer? Let me know! , Hei, No t’oblidis! Necessites portar diners! Comenta’m si tens els tiquets! Hauries de venir aviat perquè els llocs són millors ara. Després hi ha molta gent i tindrem els pitjors llocs. - Hey, don't forget! You need to bring money!Tell me if you have the tickets. You should come soon because the seats are better now. After that there are a lot of people and we will have the worst places!  ,




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