1) I'm throwing a .... dress party this Sunday. a) fancy b) costume c) fantasy d) slumber 2) We are ready for the party. We have ... food. a) a few b) a lot of c) a little d) any 3) Can you help me to ... a surprise party for James, please? a) start b) finish c) arrange d) celebrate 4) Do you think we need more balloons to ... the room? a) decoration b) anniversary c) blow up d) decorate 5) Hello, I want to ... a birthday cake. Can you deliver it at 6 o'clock? a) order b) decorate c) celebrate d) sell 6) Hurry up! You don't have ... time. a) many b) much c) a few d) some 7) You must start sending ... cards to the guests. a) anniversary b) invitation c) graduation d) invite 8) I need help your help. Can you ... the presents, please? a) take b) fold c) wrap d) give 9) Which one is NOT necessary on the invitation card? a) time of the party b) date of the party c) place of the party d) guest names of the party 10) Kate is buying some cold ... a) beverages b) food c) candles d) invites 11) I can't eat anymore! I'm ... a) hungry b) full c) thirsty d) cold 12) This Friday is wedding ... of my grandparents. We are throwing a party! a) birthday b) graduation c) anniversary d) fancy dress 13) There are ... eggs for the cake. You must buy some more. a) a lot of b) a few c) many d) a little 14) Did you see the ... last night? It was spectacular! a) candles b) fires c) confetti d) fireworks 15) There aren't ... people at the party. This cake is enough. a) many b) much c) any d) a little 16) My mother is ... a cake for us now. a) making b) ordering c) cooking d) buying 17) There's ... milk in the bottle. We need more. a) a lot of b) a few c) much d) a little 18) We are ... cookies for Dad. a) doing b) buying c) making d) ordering 19) There is ... sugar for the cake. Don't buy any. a) a few b) many c) some d) a lot of 20) There are ... people at the party. It's very crowded. a) much b) any c) a lot of d) a few 21) ... money did you pay for this bag? a) How much b) How many c) How often d) How long 22) We are having a ... party. It's so fun! a) wedding b) slumber c) baby shower d) dress 23) She ... dinner at the moment. a) cooks b) cooked c) is cooking d) cook 24) We had a ... party for John in the office yesterday. He is retired now. a) graduation b) wedding c) celebration d) farewell 25) ... candles are there? a) How many b) How much c) How long d) How often 26) Look! Those people ... in the street! a) dances b) are dancing c) dancing d) danced 27) We ... to France next month for our anniversary. a) fly b) flew c) are flying d) flies 28)  ... something to drink, sir? a) Do you like b) Are you want c) Does he like d) Would you like 29) She is blowing ... the candles. a) out b) up c) off d) in 30) I want to throw a house party next weekend. What ... I do? a) did b) should c) does d) do

7th Grade Unit 6.05


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