True: All magnets have a magnetic field, The Earth is a magnet, An iron nail can be made into a magnet by stroking it with a magnet from one end to the other over 50 times, Magnets can be de-magnetised by dropping/bashing them, A wire carrying a current of electricity has a magnetic field around it, Electromagnets can be easily switched on or off, We can increase the strength of an electromagnet by adding an iron core, Magnetic field lines show the direction and shape of the invisible magnetic force around a magnet, The Earth's geographical north pole is at its magnetic south pole, If you pour tiny pieces of iron (iron filings) around a magnet you will be able to see the magnetic field lines, False: Magnets can attract paper, plastic, iron, nickel and aluminium, All metals are magnetic, The strength of a magnet is the same all around it, A north pole will attract another north pole, A permanent magnet can be turned off, We can increase the strength of an electromagnet by decreasing the number of coils of wire, The magnetic field strength is weakest at the poles of a magnet, magnetic field lines point from south to north, Like poles attract and opposite poles repel, You can see a magnetic field,




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