Are you interested in the world of business?, Do you think anyone can set up their own business?, If you were given a chance to choose one new product to launch, what would it be? Why?, How should companies market their products? What ways do you find appealing?, Can you name one product that is being imported to Belarus that you cannot live without?, “Business is a combination of war and sport.” Do you agree? Why/why not?, Have you ever worked in another country? What difficulties can working abroad have? If you could choose, where would you like to work abroad?, What is your definition of a leader?, How good of a leader do you believe you are?, If you had a small business, what kind would it be?, Do you have performance reviews in your company? How often? How do you feel about them?, How do you feel about feedback about yourself?, What are the advantages/disadvantages to retirement?, What do you think you will do when you retire?, How do you feel about working overtime?, What are the advantages/disadvantages of business trips?, How competitive are you in general? Why?, Have you ever had any challenging situations/altercations with your colleagues?, “The customer is always right.” Do you agree/disagree?.

Business discussion



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