1) The process by which changes in organisms happen over many, many generations is known as a) variation b) surviva; c) adaptation d) evolution 2) Which is not evidence for evolution? a) DNA b) Fossils c) Shared anatomy d) Mutations e) Embryology 3) What phrase describes Darwin's theory of evolution? a) Survival of the Fittest b) Use it or lose it c) Best fit surives 4) True or false : populations evolve, not individuals. a) true b) false 5) True or False: all living things on earth, alive and extinct, came from the first species to walk the earth a) true b) false 6) What organism helped Darwin come up with evolution? a) fish b) finches c) turtles d) monkeys 7) Where did Charles Darwin conduct most of his studies? a) Hawaii b) England c) The Galapagos 8) Characteristics of organisms determined by genes a) adaptation b) traits c) evolution d) natural selection 9) Natural selection over many generations causes ______ a) evolution b) death c) traits to change 10) In an arctic habitat; are white foxes or grey foxes more likely to survive? a) grey foxes b) white foxes 11) What causes a new trait to appear in an organism? a) evolution b) the environment c) adaptation d) mutations 12) Why do Darwin's finches have different beaks? a) becuase they had different mothers b) natural selection c) they changed to fit their enviornment 13) Which one of the following was not one of the observations made by Darwin? a) Organisms produce far more offspring than can ever become adults. b) There is little variation within a population. c) the size of a population does not change much but it is restricted by limited. resources. 14) A variation that can help a species survive in its environment is called a) an adaptation b) its habitat c) a characteristic d) competition 15) Evolution is.. a) changes that take place during an organism's lifetime b) where the best-adapted organisms are more likely to survive and breed c) the slow change of a species over time


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