1) Who is the king when the play starts? a) Duncan b) Malcom c) Cawdor d) Macduff 2) Whom does Macbeth defeat in battle? a) Duncan's Army b) King Edward's English Army c) The armies of Norway and Ireland d) Banquo 3) What do the witches prophesy? a) Macbeth will be king and his sons will inherit the throne.  b) Banquo will be king, but Macbeth will be much happier c) Macbeth will be king but Banquo will murder him.  d) Macbeth will be king and Banquo’s children will be kings. 4) What title, predicted by the witches, does Macbeth receive? a) Earl of Dunsinane  b) Thane of Cawdor  c) Prince of Birnam Wood d) Prince of Scotland 5) Who is made heir to Duncan’s throne? a) Macbeth  b) Macduff’s son, Fleance  c) Duncan’s son, Malcom  d) Macduff 6) What does Lady Macbeth resolve to do? a) Talk to the three witches  b) Kill Duncan herself  c) Protect Duncan from Macbeth’s blood lust.  d) Whatever necessary to help Macbeth become king 7) What does Lady Macbeth think Macbeth lacks? a) Modesty  b) The manliness to follow through on his ambitions  c) The ambition to ever become someone notable  d) The intelligence to be a king 8) What does Macbeth realize about the consequences of Duncan’s murder? a) Other than satisfying his own ambitions, it will make everything worse.  b) It will be a simple and tidy route to achieving all his ambitions. c) Though he will become King, he’ll lose his hold on Cawdor.  d) If the witches are right, he will become both a king and an immortal. 9) What is Lady Macbeth’s plan for murdering Duncan? a) Macbeth will pour poison in his ear while he sleeps and blame the King’s brother.  b) Macbeth will hire three murderers to ambush Duncan when he’s returns to the castle on horseback.  c) Macbeth will stab him in his sleep and plant the bloody evidence on the servants.  d) Macbeth will push him out the window during a tour of the castle.

Act 1 Quiz Macbeth



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