1) large, insoluble solids settle out of the water during water-treatment a) sedimentation b) filtration c) disinfection 2) small, insoluble solids removed from the water during water-treatment a) disinfection b) sedimentation c) filtration 3) chlorine added to water to kill harmful bacteria during water-treatment a) sedimentation b) disinfection c) filtration 4) natural sources of our tap water a) reservoirs b) lakes c) sewage works d) rivers 5) natural pollutants present in the water a) fertilisers b) pesticides c) bacteria & viruses 6) dissolves in rainwater making rain very slightly acidic a) carbon dioxide b) nitrogen c) oxygen 7) small bits of dust and dirt present in the water a) carbon dioxide b) minerals c) particulates 8) used by farmers to help crops grow, but causes pollution if they get into water a) chlorine b) fertilisers c) pesticides 9) used by farmers to kill bugs that eat crops, but causes pollution if they get into water a) fertilisers b) fluorides c) pesticides 10) these dissolve into water from the rocks of river beds a) minerals b) carbon dioxide c) sand 11) sensible ways of saving water during water shortages (droughts) a) don't wash your clothes b) don't use a hosepipe c) have short showers instead of baths d) don't flush the toilet 12) the correct order of the three stages of water treatment a) filtration, disinfection, sedimentation b) sedimentation, filtration, disinfection c) disinfection, sedimentation, filtration d) sedimentation, disinfection, filtration 13) this amount of all water on Earth is sea-water (undrinkable) a) 50% b) 79% c) 97% d) 33% 14) sources of man-made water pollution a) factory waste b) sewage c) farmland 15) one third of our water at home is used for this a) brushing our teeth b) drinking c) washing the dishes d) flushing the toilet

Water in nature and water treatment



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