1) There are any number of miracle cures on the market for people --- enough to buy them. a) illegal b) outrageous c) gullible 2) Cocaine, LSD, and heroin are all --- drugs. a) immature b) unethical c) illegal 3) She was a devoted wife and a very --- mother. a) irresponsible b) loving c) disgusting 4) It’s --- that the poor should pay such high taxes. a) outrageous b) valuable c) immature 5) He says that it is --- to promote a drug which would harm the patient. a) reasonable b) unethical c) valuable 6) When it comes to money, Dan is completely ---. a) irresponsible b) bizarre c) disgusting 7) These antiques are extremely ---. a) valuable b) loving c) irresponsible 8) Passengers were kept for three hours in a --- waiting room. a) outrageous b) disgusting c) gullible 9) Tomatoes are very --- at this time of year. a) reasonable b) gullible c) unethical 10) The duck-billed platypus is a truly --- creature. a) illegal b) immature c) bizarre 11) The article described the latest crime figures as "---". a) valuable b) disturbing c) reasonable 12) I was 19 when I went to college, but still very ---. a) loving b) immature c) disgusting

New Horizons - B2 - Vocabulary - Lesson 42 - Practice - Ex. 1


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