conscientious - always doing your work with a lot of care, knowledgeable - knowing a lot, purposeful - showing that you know what you want to do, single-mindedness - the quality of being very determined and thinking only about achieving a particular thing, speak your mind - to say what you think about something very directly, take something up - to start doing a particular job or activity, think for yourself - to make your own decisions and form your own opinions, without depending on other people, references - a set of numbers or letters on a document such as a business letter, used so that people know what it relates to, struggle to do smth - to use a lot of effort to defeat someone, prevent something, or achieve something, lucrative - (especially of a business, job, or activity) producing a lot of money, recruit - to persuade someone to work for a company or become a new member of an organization, especially the army, relevant - connected with what is happening or being discussed, retail - the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops, approval - the feeling of having a positive opinion of someone or something, rigid - stiff or fixed; not able to be bent or moved, polymath - a person who knows a lot about many different subjects, unwilling - not wanting to do something, quitter - a person who gives up easily instead of finishing something, a true calling - an activity that is a person’s most important job, esp. one in which the person has an unusually strong interest and ability, increase your output - to make the quantity or amount produced, as in a given time, bigger, pick up a new skill - to learn smth new or start a habit without intending to, work to a deadline - to finish some project/work in time,

Focus 4. Unit 5



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