time that never ends - eternity, a) heat, being slightly hot; b) friendly feelings - warmth, an amazing action or event that people think happens because of God - a miracle, the daughter of your brother or sister - your niece, to make a loud, high noise with your voice because you're hurt or frightened - to scream, to move easily over a surface while continuing to touch it - to slide, a long piece of wood or metal at the side of stairs that you can hold so you don't fall - a banister, to stay up in the air - to float, to disappear suddenly - to vanish, to close and open one eye quickly to show that something is funny or secret - to wink, a period of unlucky experiences - a run of bad luck, a doctor who does medical operations - a surgeon, in an extremely happy way - blissfully, able to solve problems quickly and find solutions to practical problems - resourceful,



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