1) You are standing in line for lunch and someone pushes you. You should: a) Push them back b) Tell an adult 2) You are playing with something and a classmate grabs it out of your hand. You should: a) Ask them to give it back b) Take something of theirs 3) A student is throwing a ball at recess and it accidently hits you in the head. You should: a) Throw the ball at the person's face b) Hand it back to them 4) Someone is saying something mean to you. You should: a) Hit them b) Ignore them 5) You need help with your work but your teacher is helping someone else. You should: a) Throw a pencil at her to get her attention b) Wait for her to help you 6) You get your lunch and it looks gross. You should: a) Try it before you decide it's gross b) Throw it on the floor 7) Someone is talking very loudly and it is bothering you. You should: a) Tell them to shut up b) Ask them to use a quieter voice 8) You feel bored and want to go for a walk during class. You ask but your teacher says you need to wait. You should: a) Hit her with a chair b) Wait until she says you can go

Making Safe Choices



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