aptitude - Language... refers to a person's ability to learn and acquire languages. , deadpan - ... reporting is a style of communication or delivery in which the speaker presents information in a serious, matter-of-fact tone without showing any emotion or expression. , Terrestrial - ... television refers to the traditional method of broadcasting television signals over the air using radio waves. , Repertoire - ... refers to the collection of works, pieces, or skills that a performer or artist is prepared to present or perform in a given context. , Syllabus - A ... is a document that outlines the content, learning objectives, expectations, and requirements for a course or educational program. It typically includes information about the course goals, assignments, readings, exams, grading policies, and other relevant information. , Peasouper - ... is a slang term used to describe a thick, dense fog that often occurs in urban areas. , Flexitarian - A ... is a person who follows a primarily vegetarian diet, but also occasionally includes meat or other animal products in their meals. , Incineration - ... is the process of burning waste materials at high temperatures to reduce their volume and convert them into ash and gases. , Primogeniture - The ... Law is a legal principle that determines the inheritance of property and titles in which the firstborn (primogeniture) son inherits the entirety of his father's estate. , Consumerism - ... is a social and economic ideology that emphasizes the acquisition and consumption of goods and services as a primary driver of economic growth and personal well-being. , Decadence - ... - synonym for moral decline , Juvenescence - ... is a term used to describe the process of becoming or remaining youthful or young-looking. , Hedonism - ... is a philosophy or way of life that emphasizes the pursuit of pleasure and enjoyment as the highest goal., Linguicide - The deliberate suppression or destruction of a language, Helicopter - To keep an eagle eye on somebody/to hover over somebody is a characteristic of _________ parenting., Listicle - A ____________ is a list of items presented in the form of an article., Coconut - In a ____________ culture, it is difficult to get to know someone quickly.,

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