1) Which of the following is not a characteristic of tax collection... a) Compulsory dues paid by taxpayers to the state b) Pembayaran didasarkan pada norma hukum c) Payments are based on legal norms d) Service reply felt immediately e) Means to improve welfare 2) Pay attention to the following transactions! Transactions that are not subject to Value Added Tax are… a) 1, 2, and 3 b) 1, 2, and 4 c) 2, 3, and 4 d) 2, 3, and 5 e) 3, 4, and 5 3) To determine the Sales Value of Tax Objects (NJOP), Mr. Yunus must calculate the selling value of his land and buildings. Then subtract the result of the calculation with the Sales Value of Non-Taxable Tax Objects to find out the value of the NJOP and PBB payable, BECAUSE PBB is an object of Rural and Urban Land and Building Tax, which is land and/or buildings that are owned, controlled, and/or used by private persons or entities. , except for areas used for plantation, forestry and mining business activities. a) The statement is true, the reason is true, and the reason is the cause of the statement b) The statement is true, the reason is correct, and the reason is not the cause of the statement c) Statement is correct but reason is wrong d) Statement is wrong but reason is correct e) Wrong statement and wrong reason 4) PT. Melati must pay income tax of Rp. 4,500,000 no later than June 10, 2020 and reporting no later than June 20, 2020 BECAUSE On May 10, 2020, PT Dahlia announced that it would distribute dividends through the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), and paid cash dividends to PT Melati in the amount of Rp. 30,000,000 which made an investment of 15%. a) The statement is true, the reason is true, and the reason is the cause of the statement b) The statement is true, the reason is correct, and the reason is not the cause of the statement c) Statement is correct but reason is wrong d) Statement is wrong but reason is correct e) Wrong statement and wrong reason 5) Mr. Kai will also be subject to PPnBM, for example at a rate of 20% BECAUSE on May 28, 2021, Mr. Kai imports Taxable Goods classified as luxury with an import value of Rp. 15,000,000. So that you are required to pay a tax of Rp. 4,500,000 for the purchase of luxury goods a) The statement is true, the reason is true, and the reason is the cause of the statement b) The statement is true, the reason is correct, and the reason is not the cause of the statement c) Statement is correct but reason is wrong d) Statement is wrong but reason is correct e) Wrong statement and wrong reason


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