Structural Adaptation: Sparrows have a cracker beak, Thick fur on a polar bear to keep warm, water hyacinth has a hollow (berlubang) stem, cactus has a large stem and long-deep taproot, Mosquitoes have piercing-sucking mouth (mulut yang runcing seperti jarum), eagle has a hooked beak (paruh bengkok dan tajam) to shred (merobek) meat, Behavioral Adaptation: Chameleon can change color(camouflage), Millipedes (kaki seribu) will roll up its bodies when touched, Opossum pretends to die, Moth caterpillar and stick bugs do mimicry, The teak tree drops its leaves during the dry season to reduce waterloss, Leopard lizard or gecko do autotomy (memutuskan ekor) to avoid predators,

Homework P6 Structural and Behavioral Adaptation



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