1) I’d like these --- tomatoes. a) big round red b) red big round c) big red round 2) Look at this --- dog! a) beige small curly b) small beige curly c) small curly beige 3) I love your --- flowers. a) little straight yellow and black b) little yellow and black straight c) straight yellow and black little 4) I’m looking for a --- desk. a) brown big b) big brown 5) What a --- bear! a) brown gigantic massive b) gigantic brown massive c) gigantic massive brown 6) I need a --- bag. a) long rectangular purple  b) purple long rectangular c) purple rectangular long 7) Clint has a --- hamster. a) little grey b) grey little 8) They found a ______ ring. a) round small gold b) small round gold c) gold round small 9) Put all the papers into that ______ box. a) black medium b) medium black 10) It's getting cold, can you give me the _____ gloves. a) small pink b) pink small

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