Myelinated nerve cells - Have a myelin sheath, Transmit impulses very fast, Have nodes of Ranvier ​, Non-myelinated​ nerve cells - Do not have a myelin sheath​, Transmit impulses slower, Do not have nodes of Ranvier, Sensory neurone - Connects sensory receptors to the central nervous system, Relay neurones - Found in the central nervous system, motor neurone  - communicates from the central nervous system to effectors , Resting potential - At rest there is a negative charge inside a neurone compared to outside. Voltage of around -70mV, Depolarisation - Na+ gates open, Na+ diffuses into the cell carrying positive charge. Na+ gate closes, Repolarisation - K+ gates open. K+ diffuses out of the cell taking positive charge with it. K+ gates close. , Recovery - K+ moves back into the cell through non-voltage gated channels. resting potential equilibrium restored. ,

Nervous system and nerve impulses



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