When were you born?, Where were you born?, Who was your friend when you were little?, What did you do yesterday?, Where were you yesterday?, Who did you spend yesterday with?, Did you have fun yesterday?, Have you visited any interesting places lately?, What is better, spring or autumn?, What is worse, headache or stomachache?, What is your favourite food? Describe it., Who is the tallest person in your team?, Who is the smartest person in your class?, Who is the eldest child in your family?, How much milk do you drink a day?, How many eggs do you eat a week?, How often do you help at home? What do you do?, How often do you go to the cinema?, How often do you go dancing?, What happened yesterday?, What happened last weekend?, What happened in the story of The Little red Riding Hood?, Would you like something to drink?, Would you like to go swimming now? If not, when would you like to go?, Do you like shopping? Why?, Do you like taking selfies? Why?, Do you think you will be famous when you grow up?, Name two things you have to do at school., Name two things you have to do at a training camp., Name two things you mustn't do at a training camp., Name two things a biathlete must do to be good., Name two things a biathlete mustn't do., What dish can you cook?, What did you have for dinner today?, Have you ever eaten seafood? If yes, what was it? Did you like it?, Have you ever met a sport star? If yes, give some details about the meeting..


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