Joshua - successor to Moses, led an ultra-obedient Israel into the Promised Land, won the battle of Jericho., Judges - military tribal leaders who helped deliver Israel out of being oppressed by their enemies., Cycle of Apostasy - Israel sins by worshiping false gods of the Canaanites, God allows their enemies to conquer them, Israel cries out to God for help, God sends a Judge to deliver them, the judge dies and they start worshiping false gods again., Baal - the Canaanite god of the storm and the wheat harvest that Israel was constantly tempted to worship., Ruth - a Moabite widow who shows loyalty and love to her Israelite mother in law and becomes an ancestor of Israel's messianic line of kings. , Naomi - an elder widow from Bethlehem who is redeemed from poverty by her daughter in law's marriage to a wealthy relative. , Boaz - a wealthy Bethlehem landowner who allows a Moabite widow, Ruth, to glean in his fields and later marries her to redeem his relative, Naomi's family. , Hannah - a woman who cannot have children at first who prays to God and is blessed with a son, Samuel, whom she gives back to God as a priest. , Samuel - Israel's final judge who is also a priest and a prophet. He breaks Israel's cycle of apostasy and anoints their first 2 kings. , Eli - This priest and his 2 priest sons have abused their priestly duties and displayed terrible leadership for Israel. They die just as Samuel is coming of age to lead Israel properly., Philistines - Israel's enemies during the time of the first kings. They worship the god, Dagon, and have a champion warrior named Goliath., Goliath - a large and intimidating Philistine warrior who insults Israel and their God. He is defeated by a shepherd boy with a rock and a sling., Jesse - a man of Bethlehem among who's sons Samuel will pick a new king for Israel. , Saul - Israel's first king who is arrogant, mentally unstable, and cannot admit when he's wrong. He is also jealous of anyone else who gets praise for victories on the battlefield. , David - A shepherd boy from Bethlehem who is anointed as Israel's second king. He is a king after God's own heart for years, but later in life becomes bitter and vengeful. , Cutting off a piece of Saul's robe - How David show's that he is not trying to kill Saul and steal his throne, but has mercy and will not harm the LORD's anointed., Battle of Mt. Gilboa - David writes a sad song about this because he mourns the death of Saul and his best friend, Jonathan (Saul's son) ., Davidic Covenant - God promises David that he will have an eternal dynasty (the House of David) where one of his descendants (called "The Messiah") will be on the throne, forever. , The Temple - this is a permanent version of the Tabernacle that David wanted to build, but his son, Solomon actually built. , Nathan - the prophet in David's court who announces David's Covenant, but who also accuses David of abusing his power by impregnating Bathsheba and murdering Uriah. , Bathsheba - wife of Uriah, David's loyal soldier, whom David gets pregnant and then marries after killing her husband., Uriah - David's loyal soldier who is murdered by David so that he does not find out that David got his wife pregnant., Solomon - King of Israel who built the Temple, asked God for a wise and understanding heart, but later in life was influenced by his foreign wives to worship their gods. , Rehoboam - Solomon's son who became king promising to be even more oppressive than his father. He lost the loyalty of all the northern tribes of Israel., Jeroboam - king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He foolishly built 2 golden calves to stop his subjects from going south to Jerusalem to worship YHWH. , 922 B.C. - King Rehoboam alienates the northern tribes promising to be an oppressive ruler making the country divide between ISRAEL in the North and JUDAH in the South. , Deuteronomy 17: 14-20 - A king in Israel cannot: a. build up a huge military b. have many wives c. have too much wealth d. be arrogant and prideful and MUST read and study the law day and night. , Psalm 146 - Do not trust earthly rulers who make lots of plans, but then they die. Trust rulers like the LORD who is kind and just to the poor, widow, orphan, alien, sick etc..., idolatry - Samuel got rid of this from Israel, but Solomon brought it back to appease his many foreign wives., Theme of these Historical Books (Joshua, Judges, 1+2 Samuel, 1+2 Kings) - If Israel keeps God's covenant laws given on Mt. Sinai, they will be God's Holy Nation, but if they disobey God's covenant laws, they will cease to be His Chosen People and experience disaster.,

The Historical Books (Old Testament)



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