Federalist: John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, FOR Ratification of the Constitution, Wanted a strong NATIONAL/FEDERAL government, Wanted a LOOSE interpretation of the Constitution, Wrote the Federalist Papers defending the Constitution, Anti-Federalist: Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, AGAINST ratification of the Constitution, Wanted more power to the STATES, Favored a STRICT interpretation of the Constitution, Supported a Bill of Rights, Virginia Plan: LARGE state plan, Favored a BICAMERAL or 2 house legislature, Wanted representation based on POPULATION, Proposed a senate with equal representation per state and a House of Representatives based on population, New Jersey Plan: SMALL state plan, Favored a UNICAMERAL or 1 house legislature, Wanted EQUAL representation; 1 state = 1 vote, Proposed by William Paterson, The Great Compromise: Also called the Connecticut Compromise, resolved the most controversial discussed issue of the constitutional convention, Senate based on Equal representation, House based on proportional Representation, The 3/5's Compromise: Deal reached between Northern and Southern states, Allowed slaves to be counted toward the population of each state, Gave more slave-owning states more power in Congress, artificially boosted power of South, Bill of Rights: Federalists believed wasnt necessary as states had them, Elbridge Gerry and George Mason, Rejected by convention, agreed to add in 1791, Commerce Compromise: National Tariff worked out, End of International Slave trade by 1808, North south different on trade, Export tax on raw materials not approved,

Constitutional Convention


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