I sometimes get scared when I'm on my own. - I don't even like being at home without anyone else, really., You must be delighted - that's great news! - When did they tell you you're in the team?, I'm feeling more relaxed now it's Saturday. - It's been a very busy week, so it's nice to have some time off., I got a bit confused at the start of the film. - l understood most of it, though., My brother isn't normally this nervous. - He's doing a presentation in class this afternoon. , Travelling to school on your own can be quite lonely. - Sometimes I like having time to think quietly.before a busy day, though, My parents started to dance. I was so embarrassed! - But it was great to see them having fun., At the moment I'm feeling quite stressed - I've got so much work to do., Please don't be angry with me. - I was only trying to help.,

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