1) 你的帳戶餘額為一萬五千美金。 a) The cash in your account is US$15,000. b) The balance in your account is US$15,000. 2) 那家銀行貸了五萬元給我們。 a) The bank credited 50,000 dollars to us. b) The bank borrowed 50,000 dollars to us. 3) 我現在不能付你錢,請晚點再送帳單來。 a) I can’t pay you now. Please bill me later. b) I can’t pay you now. Please send me your receipt later. 4) 我們的專案資金充足。 a) Our project has enough budget. b) Our project is adequately financed. 5) 我想兌現這張支票。 a) I'd like to exchange this check, please. b) I'd like to cash this check in, please.




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