What is a landscape? - A visible feature of an area of land (maybe a terrain, What is a landform? - a feature on Earth's surface part of a terrain, Landscape or Landform: desert - Landscape, Landscape or Landform: delta - Landform, Landscape or Landform:rainforest - Landscape, Landscape or Landform:karst - Landscape, Landscape or Landform:valley - Landform, Landscape or Landform:plains - Landform, Landscape or Landform:polar & aquatic - Landscape, Landscape or Landform: Sydney city - BUILT Landscape, Process : What is human process? - A landscape has been altered or built by us!, Process : What is tectonic activity? - The shift of tectonic plates create a landform by moving upwards etc, Process : What is Weathering? - The breakdown of materials that can form rocks etc, Process : What is Deposition? - When material that has been weathered down is carried away by natural proccess : like rain, wind and more., Process : What is Erosion? - The wearing away by natural elements of rock and materials overtime, Why are landforms and landscapes valueable? - They play an important part in the way our physical environment functions. However, humans overtimes interconnected and believe they are important for economic,cultural,spiritual and aesthetics.  , How to protect landforms and landscapes? - International agreements, Local govern. create laws according to their enviro. + THE WORLD HERITAGE CONV. - An international agreement to nominate sites for their world heritage list and it's expected those sites are protected following world heritage rules., What is longitude and latitude? - They are invisible lines around maps of the Earth to help us locate places on a map., Latitude - The lines parallel to the equator , Longitude - The lines run north to south , west to south of the Prime Meridian., Latitude - LA = sideways. SPELL IT, Longitude - LONG = long. SPELL IT, What is a topographic map? - Representation of the Earth - shows features of a landscape., What are contor lines? - Lines joining at places of equal height above sea level - the closer together the steeper., What is spot height? - A point on the map that shows exact height above sea level, What is trig point? - The heighest point of the map shown by a triangle with a circle in it., What is aesthetic value? - Landforms and Landscapes can be valuable for their natural beauty, and uniqueness. People are inspired by their beuaty and create movies, poems, songs and more., What is Cultural value? - The cultural value of Australia shapes its identity to what it is is today. Indigenous Australiansexpress the importance of the land to them through Dreamtime stories, song and dance, and their art. Nearly all Aboriginal art relates to the landscape, and maps the landscape and the landforms of importance to Indigenous communities. Indigenous Australians express the importance of the land to them through Dreamtime stories, song and dance, and their art. Nearly all Aboriginal art relates to the landscape, and maps the landscape and the landforms of importance to Indigenous communities., What is Spiritual value? - Indigenous peoples believe that the stories of their Dreamtime bind them to the land. They also believe that their ancestors live on through the land and ensure their continued connection with it, What is Economic value? - Economic value is a measurement of how financially important landscapes and landforms are, What is Econmic value pt 2? - Economic value is particularly relevant to the tourism, agriculture and mining industries in Australia. This money provides income for the tourism and hospitality industries and the state, What is Preservation? - Preservation is a management strategy that aims to keep an environment in its existing form. It prevents all human activities in the area and a places a complete ban on using its resource, What is Conservation? - Conservation is a management strategy that involves the careful control of resources and planned activities in an area to minimise environmental impacts. Human activities in the area are allowed, but limited, What is Utilisation? - Utilisation is a management strategy that allows productive human activity in an area, such as farming, What is Exploitation? - Exploitation is the complete and unregulated use of natural resources in a landscape without any regard for sustainability. This approach can have disastrous consequences, What is Ecotourism? - Ecotourism promotes the enjoyment of landscapes by tourists in a responsible, sustainable way,



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