Pre-Alphabetic Phase : 3-4 years old, Use visual or context cues to read (or guess) words, Know letters in their own names, but these are memorised rather than connected to the sounds in their names, Partial Alphabetic Phase : Foundation or 1st grade, Learn how to detect the smallest sounds (phonemes) in spoken words, Know letter names and some letter sounds, but have not received systematic instruction in how letters represent sounds, Full Alphabetic Phase: Acquire the major letter-sound relations, Acquire decoding skill to sound out letters and blend the sounds to form words, Consolidated Alphabetic Phase : 2nd grade, Learn about spelling patterns: combinations of letter sounds consolidated into multi-letter spelling units (e.g., syllables, prefixes, and suffixes), Form connections between spellings of multisyllabic words and their pronunciations,

Phases of word development



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