1) It's like a home for animals that don't have a family. a) animal shelter b) house c) farm d) school 2) They can be pets, like dogs and cats, or they can live in the wild, like lions and zebras. a) animals b) people c) ghost d) monster 3) It is attached to the animal's collar or harness and held by a person to prevent the animal from running away or getting into trouble. a) cage b) chain c) leash d) rope 4) It is a clever or entertaining action or behavior that is performed for amusement or to show off a skill. a) order b) trick c) leash d) stay 5) It is to pass the tongue over something, typically to moisten, clean, or taste it. a) lick b) bite c) scratch d) smell 6) It is to look fixedly or intently at someone or something. a) sleep b) eyes closed c) blink d) stares 7) It typically describes someone or something that is very thin or has little body fat. a) big b) skinny c) tall d) fat 8) Which of the following best describes an animal shelter? a) A place where animals go to play b) A facility that houses and cares for stray or abandoned animals c) A store that sells pet food and supplies d) A park where animals roam freely 9) Which of the following is a common use of a leash? a) Measuring the length of a dog b) Keeping a dog from running away c) Brushing a dog's fur d) Feeding a dog 10) Which of the following describes someone or something as "skinny"? a) Being strong and muscular  b) Having a lot of body fat c) Being very thin or underweight d) Having a healthy body size

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