Old Lady in the grocery line paying with pennies. Tell her to hurry or wait patiently, Person on their cell phone holding up the Starbuck's line. Tell mom to lay on the horn, give a quick beep or wait it out., Someone has a booger in their nose. DUDE THAT'S DISGUSTING or give them to ole nonverbal cue., Someone trips falls into a massive puddle of mud, gets up, and is immediately pooped on by a bird. Laugh because that would truly be hilarious. Help them up and offer them a paper towel....or a hundred., You're in a hurry to get to class and Chatty McTalkyourearoff stops you in the hallway to tell you all about their Thanksgiving Break. Do a quick juke and pretend that they don't exist or politely tell them you are in a hurry., You approach a group of friends midway through a conversation. Someone then asks "What do you think?" Tell them you didn't hear enough to have an opinion or just improv your way through a complete sentence or two., You're at the dinner table and through the consumption of a heavy amount of soda you have built enough fuel to create to loudest, longest and greatest burp of all time. Hold it in or Let r rip (History was made by risk takers after all).




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