
Klasa 5 Angielski Months

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10 000+ результатов для 'klasa 5 angielski months'

Brainy kl 5 unit school must
Brainy kl 5 unit school must Сопоставить
was / were ;there was/there were
was / were ;there was/there were Привести в порядок
Match English and Polish words (adjectives)
Match English and Polish words (adjectives) Сбить воздушный шар
Stopniowanie przymniotników
Stopniowanie przymniotników Викторина
Months Кроссворд
Months Кроссворд
Months - połącz w pary
Months - połącz w pary Сопоставить
Types of entertainment - 4c, klasa 5
Types of entertainment - 4c, klasa 5 Диаграмма с метками
klasa 5_past simple_11 irregular verbs_unit 7_p.94
klasa 5_past simple_11 irregular verbs_unit 7_p.94 Сопоставить
 5 klasa Brainy / Unit 3/ stopniowanie przymiotników
5 klasa Brainy / Unit 3/ stopniowanie przymiotników Групповая сортировка
Brainy 5 -months
Brainy 5 -months Найди пару
Months - znajdź parę
Months - znajdź parę Найди пару
Months Согласующиеся пары
Months - połącz w pary
Months - połącz w pary Сопоставить
Months - anagram
Months - anagram Анаграмма
Months - znajdź parę
Months - znajdź parę Найди пару
Months - labirynt
Months - labirynt Погоня в лабиринте
Nazwy mebli po angielsku
Nazwy mebli po angielsku Анаграмма
J52 Brainy 5 klasa / Unit 3/ Degrees of comparison
J52 Brainy 5 klasa / Unit 3/ Degrees of comparison Викторина
Months Анаграмма
household chores
household chores Найди пару
vegetables Согласующиеся пары
Brainy 5. Unit 8. Months of the year
Brainy 5. Unit 8. Months of the year Сопоставить
Months Ударь крота
Months Поиск слов
Months Анаграмма
Brainy 5. Unit 5. Grammar. Present Continuous (?)
Brainy 5. Unit 5. Grammar. Present Continuous (?) Привести в порядок
 Present Continuous_kl. 5
Present Continuous_kl. 5 Викторина
Animals Link 5 Unit 5
Animals Link 5 Unit 5 Сопоставить
Brainy 5 (Units 5-6)
Brainy 5 (Units 5-6) Викторина
Brainy 5 Unit 5 School subjects
Brainy 5 Unit 5 School subjects Сопоставить
Brainy 5. Unit 5. Behaviour at school
Brainy 5. Unit 5. Behaviour at school Сопоставить
Together kl 5 unit 5 (Adjectives to describe animals)
Together kl 5 unit 5 (Adjectives to describe animals) Ударь крота
Match the words
Match the words Сопоставить
Brainy 5 Unit 5 Places at school
Brainy 5 Unit 5 Places at school Сопоставить
Together klasa 5 unit 5 ( Animals & parts of the body)
Together klasa 5 unit 5 ( Animals & parts of the body) Погоня в лабиринте
Brainy kl. 5 ( unit 6 shops)
Brainy kl. 5 ( unit 6 shops) Сопоставить
Brainy kl.5 irregular verbs Past Simple
Brainy kl.5 irregular verbs Past Simple Сопоставить
Brainy 5. Unit 5. Grammar: Present Continuous or Present Simple
Brainy 5. Unit 5. Grammar: Present Continuous or Present Simple Закончите предложение
BRAINY 5 unit 5 simple present /behaviour at school
BRAINY 5 unit 5 simple present /behaviour at school Случайное колесо
Brainy 5 Unit 5 Places in a school, school subjects
Brainy 5 Unit 5 Places in a school, school subjects Сопоставить
Junior Explorer 5 unit 5 - illnesses/accidents
Junior Explorer 5 unit 5 - illnesses/accidents Сопоставить
Mnożenie Викторина "Игровое шоу"
JE5 UNIT 5 was were
JE5 UNIT 5 was were Викторина
Brainy 5 There is/are
Brainy 5 There is/are Групповая сортировка
JE5 Unit 5 Was / Were _____ ?
JE5 Unit 5 Was / Were _____ ? Викторина
Brainy 5, unit 4, present simple
Brainy 5, unit 4, present simple Викторина
Brainy 5, unit 1 phrases
Brainy 5, unit 1 phrases Сопоставить
Present Simple WH questions HP FLY 1
Present Simple WH questions HP FLY 1 Случайное колесо
Nature unit 5 steps plus
Nature unit 5 steps plus Викторина
Brainy 5, unit 1 useful phrases
Brainy 5, unit 1 useful phrases Привести в порядок
Food Поиск слов
7 klasa / Brainy / Unit 4/ Buying things
7 klasa / Brainy / Unit 4/ Buying things Найди пару
What... like? What... look like?
What... like? What... look like? Викторина
Brainy 5 Unit 3 At a birthday party 🎂
Brainy 5 Unit 3 At a birthday party 🎂 Привести в порядок
Brainy 5 Unit 4 Lesson 8 Household chores
Brainy 5 Unit 4 Lesson 8 Household chores Найди пару
house Сопоставить
Brainy, unit 3, adjectives opposites
Brainy, unit 3, adjectives opposites Сопоставить
Unit 3, sports
Unit 3, sports Сопоставить
Link 5 Unit 3 Possessive Pronouns
Link 5 Unit 3 Possessive Pronouns Закончите предложение
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