
Klasa 7 Angielski

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Angielski Сопоставить
modals (giving advice)
modals (giving advice) Викторина
Must vs. have to
Must vs. have to Закончите предложение
Modal verbs
Modal verbs Закончите предложение
Past Simple/Past Continuous
Past Simple/Past Continuous Викторина
going to - speaking questions
going to - speaking questions Случайные карты
Interior Диаграмма с метками
English Class A2 - unit 2 questions
English Class A2 - unit 2 questions Привести в порядок
Space Сопоставить
past simple wh questions
past simple wh questions Перевернуть плитки
LONDON sights - quiz
LONDON sights - quiz Викторина
Sorting: Present Simple and Continuous - time expressions
Sorting: Present Simple and Continuous - time expressions Групповая сортировка
English Class A2 too/ enough
English Class A2 too/ enough Викторина
summer holidays
summer holidays Случайное колесо
Yesterday or before the class
Yesterday or before the class Случайное колесо
Present continuous - make sentences
Present continuous - make sentences Откройте поле
A POSTCARD Закончите предложение
Present simple vs Present continuous
Present simple vs Present continuous Закончите предложение
 Comparative and superlative forms
Comparative and superlative forms Викторина
MUST vs HAVE TO Закончите предложение
Dates Случайное колесо
passive Викторина "Игровое шоу"
Second conditional
Second conditional Сопоставить
ed ing adjectives
ed ing adjectives Сопоставить
English Class A2+ Unit 4
English Class A2+ Unit 4 Кроссворд
xmas questions to answer
xmas questions to answer Викторина
Past Continuous
Past Continuous Случайное колесо
Zero&First Conditional
Zero&First Conditional Викторина
Warm up questions - A2/B1
Warm up questions - A2/B1 Откройте поле
english file pre intermediate Personality and appearance
english file pre intermediate Personality and appearance Викторина "Игровое шоу"
GE A2 unit 2 technology spelling
GE A2 unit 2 technology spelling Анаграмма
Question words
Question words Викторина
English Class A2 - unit 2 SHOPS
English Class A2 - unit 2 SHOPS Групповая сортировка
health problems
health problems Викторина
Past perfect
Past perfect Викторина
 too/ enough/ as..as English Class A2
too/ enough/ as..as English Class A2 Закончите предложение
present perfect sentences
present perfect sentences Привести в порядок
Too/enough - karty do transformacji zdań - przekształć zdania według zasady enough-> too, too-> enough
Too/enough - karty do transformacji zdań - przekształć zdania według zasady enough-> too, too-> enough Случайные карты
passive voice future simple
passive voice future simple Закончите предложение
At the airport - memo
At the airport - memo Согласующиеся пары
GMF 4 - warm up questions
GMF 4 - warm up questions Случайное колесо
Neither/Either/Both Викторина
Question words
Question words Викторина
Angielski-Present perfect
Angielski-Present perfect Ударь крота
Name.... Future predictions
Name.... Future predictions Случайные карты
xmas words test
xmas words test Викторина
Crime Quiz
Crime Quiz Викторина "Игровое шоу"
Are you going to do it?
Are you going to do it? Случайное колесо
Klasy 6-8 - Lesson 14
Klasy 6-8 - Lesson 14 Викторина
Talking about future
Talking about future Откройте поле
make the sentence present simple vs continuous
make the sentence present simple vs continuous Случайные карты
Gold experience a2 unit 1 collocations
Gold experience a2 unit 1 collocations Групповая сортировка
Past Simple or Present Perfect
Past Simple or Present Perfect Викторина
Egzamin ósmoklasisty - środki językowe
Egzamin ósmoklasisty - środki językowe Викторина
Passive voice
Passive voice Случайное колесо
Giving directions
Giving directions Сопоставить
as, enough, than, too
as, enough, than, too Викторина
Second Conditional
Second Conditional Случайное колесо
to be going to
to be going to Привести в порядок
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